Tuesday, October 06, 2009


A news story from today:

Back in April, a 9 years old boy found a cat that seemed lost on the street. He thought he wanted to help the lost cat and took it to a police station. Obviously he loves cats(or animals in general). Sweet.

At the police station, a police officer was confused. He knew what he was supposed to do with the cat, which was to send it to a local animal shelter where he thought the cat would probably be put down in a few days(if the owner of the cat can't be found that is). So he thought about a plan B in order to save the cat's life. This guy loves cats as well. Sweet.

The plan he came up with, however, was not a good one. He just decided to let the cat go back on the street hoping it would figure out how to get back to its owner. There were some documents he had already drawn up to follow the bureaucratic rules but he just threw them away and pretended as if nothing ever happened.

The next day, the cat's owner showed up at the same police station to hand in a notice of his cat's missing and somehow found out(probably from another officer who has a loose mouth) what had happened to the poor cat.

The owner filed a complaint with the police station.

For some reason, after 6 months passed, the officer who let the cat go was reprimanded for what he did....what he did with the official documents, not what he did with the cat.

The cat was never found again and is still missing apparently.
What a poor cat. What a dumb piece of news.
I hope the cat met a new owner while wandering around and is living happily now just like the cat in the photo above.

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