Thursday, December 16, 2010

Art exhibition

One Sunday afternoon in November I met up with a friend and we went to see an art exhibition.
It was held at what used to be a planetarium on the rooftop of a movie theater.
I've been to the theater so many times before but never had gone up to the rooftop, where I found a small and shady place that only show those "Pink movies" or porn films.

It was nice up there.
I would like to go back there sometime but just hope I won't have to share the elevator with some old sleezy guy.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


If I want to capture something real about someone in a photo, why not try and do it to myself first?

How do I look?
What do I look like thinking about?

I take self portraits not because I am in love with myself or anything if you are too simple to think that way.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Twin lens reflex

Don't you feel like you ought to take a self portrait with a mirror if you hold a twin lens reflex camera? Or is it just me?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Light Leak

It happens a lot with the Fuji 645. It is probably the way I put a film in it.
Every time I see it happening, I am rather excited than disappointed.
