Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Last sunday

I went to a restaurant for dinner in the sort of suburbs last Sunday.

The restaurant used to be downtown Shizuoka and I'd often go eat there.
I remember I was a bit upset when I heard that it would be closed down a few years ago.
It actually just moved to more quiet area in the city and has stayed open.
For some reason, I never went to the new place until last sunday.

The name of the restaurant was the same, DADA.
It was bigger than before and looked tacky.
I had a bad feeling but just went in only to find out that it has changed a lot.
The menu was one of those laminated one that you can see at family restaurants like ガスト.
The food tasted just like family restaurant's.
There was even a button on each table to call a waitress in.

It simply became a cheesy cheap restaurant.
But the price was not quite cheap.Oh crap.Not going back there ever again.


New cat

This is the newest(and has to be the LAST) cat that I took home.
She can't walk properly.
If she falls she can't get up without help.
The vet thinks that she was born with neuritis.
She is such a poor thing.

But she eats a lot, sleeps a lot and plays a lot; just like a normal kitten.

I hope she lives a long life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last sunday

Last Sunday I did two things that I like to do which involved two things that I usually don't like to do.

All in all, it was a nice day.
I met some cool new people whom I share an interest in photography with.
It was fun to talk with them and to see what kind of subjects they were looking for for their photography.
Looking at the snap shots they took of the streets , I realized once again that I really like to focus on portraits.

I like looking at a person through a finder and also I like being looked at by that person through a lens.


The four things said above:taking photos, meeting new people, playing basketball, staying out in the cold weather. You know which ones I liked to do and which ones I didn't.

(Well, meeting new people is fun and I like it actually but it just makes me so freaking nervous.)

I had a good day, but I got so tired that I had to spend half the next day just being lazy as lack of sleep from Friday night didn't help me get out of the bed  either.
Thank goodness it was a national holiday on Monday.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


I hope there will be less hospital visits this year.

My daughter that I never gave birth to

(She's the daughter of a friend of mine.)

We have the same hair do so she should be my daughter.
That's what everybody said.

I love two-years.
They never want to try and take photos with my FILM cameras like 5-years do.

At a parking

Monday, January 05, 2009


I just realized I should keep my scanner cleaner.
I am lazier than I seem.


During the winter holidays, just like every year, I ate too much food, had too much drink, had some good catch ups with old friends, went shopping only to be sick of too many people in town, and made a visit to a local shrine pretending that I was a shintoist.

Hope 2009 brings a lot of happiness to all of you, and to myself as well.